Rumplo Roundup: Search and Destroy
Each week we’ll comb through Rumplo’s pages and pages of of kitchy, artistic, and often hilarious tees, to bring you our picks. We’ve had a kind of a Tyler Durden week, which is to say we “wanted to destroy something beautiful.” Here are a couple that meet our killer criteria:
Scrap Metal: This is what would have happened to R2 had he gone with Luke to rescue Leia. That Death Star trash compactor isn’t very forgiving.
Chainsaw Killer Bunny: Did you know that if given the chance, carrots would kill you and everyone you loved? I don’t call this rabbit a murderer, we call him a hero.
Surf’s Up Dudes: What would happen if Dr. Strangelove met Johnny Utah from Point Break? This shirt.
Noah Butkus: Our old friend Noah Butkus puts his hooded killer on full display. This masked man clearly loves his work.