Renegade Magazine

Posted on March 23, 2007 Under Life

“Music. Sex. Clothing. Party. Art. Some of the most important reasons for living. The reason for Renegade Magazine… Always down, so we know what’s up.” I don’t know what else I need to tell you about Renegade Magazine– I think their mission statement says it all. They’re an online lifestyle magazine covering the unique “Cascadian” culture in their region (BTW, by “Cascadian,” they mean the area between Victoria BC and Eugene Oregon). I am liking what I’m seeing on Renegade– probably because they are so in tune with what they care about: music, clothing, sex, parties, and art in their (Cascadian) region. Look for them at events, functions, corporate retreats, and baptisms… and take a look-see at their slideshow from the Hecklewood Toxic Show last weekend.