Red Bull's BC One: Sao Paulo

Posted on June 15, 2007 Under Music

Latin American B-boys will be battling it out for the title as the best breakdancer in the land tomorrow in Sao Paulo at Red Bull’s BC One, which is throwing together 16 Brazilians and five others from Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile and Peru in what’s sure to be a raucous elimination final. Right before the show, the 16th Brazilian competitor will be chosen from an audition among 11 B-boys selected by top Brazilian crews. The winner of this batch moves on to the next step "” world b-boy command "” at the world B-boy finals in South Africa in September. The competition is mega-tough, with rules that include “sudden death,” which means you’re out of the competition if you lose any individual battle. The event’s being judged by a panel that includes the U.S.’s own B-girl Asia One (go girl!). OK, gotta run now, I need to get my back spin on lock.