Rebound Books: Reclaim the Classics

Posted on April 2, 2008 Under Books

For those Renaissance people out there who enjoy the past time of putting their daily musings to paper, Rebound Books is a nifty outfit based in Cape Town, South Africa that essentially ‘reclaims’ neglected old books into truly one-of-a-kind journals full of creamy, matte, environmentally friendly paper. The binding is done by a master book binder, and he thread-sews sections by hand. The blank "book-block" is then glued to the cover to make a durable book that will last for decades. Since Rebound Books is not in the business to mass produce, but rather to create unique and quality journals for the design-discerning scribes of the world, they offer a pretty limited selection. That said, they seem willing to work special orders–so if you have a special hardback collecting dust that you want to resurrect, this might be the answer. No word on whether they’ll ship to the States, but it’d be worth an inquiry. If you’re in Cape Town, BIBLIOTEQ book store on 41 Kloof Street has them.