Ray Fenwick, I Hate You (Because You're Perfect)

Posted on February 7, 2007 Under Art

It’s tough to categorize Ray Fenwick, a young and hugely promising cartoonist, illustrator, typographer out of Canada. When forced to choose a definition for himself, he jokingly prefers to give something like, “One Who Draws on a Regular Basis, Whether For Purpose of Sharing or Merely For Self-Gratification.” Personally, I prefer to just leave words out of it and let my eyes sort out exactly what it is that Mr. Fenwick spends his time doing, because he’s pretty darn good at everything. His illustrations and musings are honest and sweetly sarcastic, and I’m super buzzed about his typography which is powerful, creative, AND fuctional (a trait sadly lacking in font design these days). While he’s spent a little over a year on his Hall of Best Knowledge comic strip (which ran exclusively in “The Coast,” Halifax’s weekly paper) he recently retired the strip to focus on his new job of managing a soon-to-be letterpress. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Ray is also incredibly funny; the online magazine LAB has a hilarious interview with him up right now. Check it out if you’re into that sort of thing.