QTires: Studly, Yet Not
A few weeks ago, I told you about the Microbit walnut shell tires from Toyo, and how they provide stud-less traction via millions of sharp walnut shell pieces embedded in the tread of the tire. Having studs is great during the winter, when you’re driving on snow or ice (or nuzzled up next to a fireplace), but lets face it– how often is that for most of you? QTires has come up with another technology to solve this problem: on-demand retractible snow studs on their Celsius line. Other (theoretical) benefits of these tires: less road damage, fewer insurance claims, no need to buy 2 sets of tires, and less harmful chemical de-icers being used; in all, fewer societal costs associated with driving. Great idea– I wonder how well these puppies work?
Via Oh Gizmo