PUMA Glow Rider

Posted on April 29, 2008 Under Gadgetry

The biggest problem with commuting by bike in a city is probably getting hit repeatedly by cabs. That, and when you come out of the store only to find your nice new Kryptonite lock hanging around the bike rack sans bike. PUMA’s Glow Rider, manufactured by Biomega, is the third incarnation of their branded bike (and you immediately thought sneakers) and solves most of these problems. First, the stylish single-gear solves the visibility issue of riding at night by adding a coat of glow-in-the-dark paint. Available in green or orange glow, just let your bike soak up some solar rays and it should radiate an alien aura for the duration of your ride. Twin disc brakes can literally stop you in your tracks. And, with its wire lock system, the only way somebody is stealing this bike is if they take that entire rack with them. (Note to thieves: don’t reread that last statement.)

Related: Jens Martin Skibsted From Biomega Bikes