Processes: A Living Painting

Posted on February 27, 2008 Under Art

There are plenty of ways to turn a work of architecture into a canvas. You can illegally spray paint your tag on the Arc De Triomphe or draw a mural on Big Ben, but none of those are recommended because they're undoubtedly illegal. We recommend going the route of video artist Robert Seidel, who was commissioned to turn the Phylectic Museum in Jena, Germany into an architectural canvas for the museum's 100th Anniversary in early February as well as for the “Jena Illuminated” event, which served as part of the opening ceremony for "Science City 2008.” The resulting work was titled Processes: A Living Painting. The project consisted of 35 by 16 meter full façade projection that employed three projectors and consisted of five “living paintings” with corresponding light choreography, ambient music and synced sound effects. The display aided in “breathing life into the museum on that one and only winter night. Its multi-layered complexity freed the audience of around 20,000 to create their personal narrative flow and filled the museums square with a dense cloud of spellbound whisper.' All we can say is whoa.