Presidential Action Figures

Posted on September 11, 2008 Under Life

In an ideal world, a president is a true figure of action. In this world, the reverse is also true. While George W. Bush is perhaps the most parodied president in history, the current roster of candidates are spawning their share of toys too. Some, like Jailbreak Toys‘ Barack Obama figure are done with respect and a campaign donation per figure sold. Others, like Ren & Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi treated Obama, McCain and Hillary Clinton to equal opportunity charicature. To fulfill the request of a retailer who desired bipartisan balance, Jason Feinberg of Jailbreak also created a John McCain figure. Strong sales of his Obama figures allowed Jason to live the American Dream of quitting a teaching job to pursue toys full-time. Finally, seizing the opportunity, Hero Builders have customized some dolls to look like School Girl and Super Hero versions of Sarah Palin. If I were Joe Biden, I’d be calling my agent.