50 Posters Party at White Hills: Boulder

Posted on February 2, 2007 Under Life

Yesterday, a friend of mine said something along the lines of, “Boulder is the new Seattle, just with more snow.” I wish she had just been referring to an overstock of fresh seafood at Wholefoods, but what she really meant was “Wow, this weather is depressing.” Don’t get me wrong, I love snow, and the sun IS out today, but somethings gotta happen to get the ‘three OH three’ off of their couches and out of their slippery driveways. Because we’re pretty laid back ourselves, we’ll give you a week to crawl out of your cocoons, but once the clock hits seven next Friday night (2/9) you’d better be on your way to White Hills, where our talented friends over at table2press will be throwing a party. Turns out t2p just passed the 50 poster mark, which is definitely something to celebrate when your posters are that close to perfection. Big Diffy (from MilkBaby) will be throwing down beats, t2p’s delicious print work will be covering the walls, pottery by Dovetail will be up for looksies, and, of course, they’ll be plenty of wine and PBR to get the party started. According to the weather channel we’ll be looking at a high of 41 that day, so no excuses, Boulder– GO!