Part of It

Posted on November 5, 2007 Under Fashion

Graphic designers in the T-shirt biz collectively turn out innumerable designs every month, but it’s rare to find our favorite ones selling their creations for more than just "” and sorry to be so blatant "” profit’s sake. That’s not a terrible thing, of course, because everyone needs to make a living, but as a person who also provides services I’ll bet they wouldn’t mind some of that money going to a good cause. Christopher Sleboda and Kathleen Burns of Part of It thought of the same way. Why not give these artists a place to sell shirts that go to a bigger pot? So they started Part of It this year to motivate artists like Jeremyville (whose shirt is pictured) and Dustin Amery Hostetler to make shirts with graphics that specifically relate to a cause or charity of their own choosing, with all sales of that shirt going to that organization. The list runs the gamut, from the International Dyslexia Association to the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo, which are places that wouldn’t necessarily receive the attention from the population of T-shirt buyers otherwise. If you’re not in the market to add the 500th T-shirt to your closet, they’ve got an awesome selection of tote bags too.