Outi Headphones

Posted on December 20, 2007 Under Gadgetry

Good news for all of us living in crowded urban areas: you no longer have to crank your headphones up to max in order to ignore the onslaught of sirens, car horns, and diesel engines! Of course, you do have to put up with wearing something called “bone-conducting headphones.” Anyone else find that terminology a little bit creepy?

The Outi bone-conducting headphones supposedly allow you to crank up your music as loud as you’d like (much like the SwiMP3 does) without having to worry about going deaf down the road because they work by transmitting sound through your cartilage, skin and bones instead of through your ear drums, vibrating at just the right frequency allowing you to “hear” the music instead of feeling it, and they run on a small amp that lasts for 8 hours before having to be recharged. Oh, and they clip on the outside of your ears, so they don’t look the least bit funny when you’re wearing them. Sounds pretty sweet to me.

Via TakTak