Outer Edge Studio

Posted on August 2, 2006 Under Art


Outer Edge Studio, the creation of fine artist Andrew Jackson, is a wonderful space enveloped in eye-catching art and people happy to engage in intelligent conversation about it. Previously the youngest gallery owner in Carmel, Andrew's background in art includes working as a color specialist correcting fine art Giclee prints and creating his self published book "Intensity". However, it is the great highs and terrible lows from working with galleries, publishers, and collectors that he took to heart when creating Outer Edge Studio, which he hopes will be a wonderful experience for all artist who show with him. Currently he is featuring Austin, TX based artist Bonnie Gammill whose show will run until August 22nd. Make sure to check out Bonnie's work or stop by every six weeks for a fresh new batch of artist and some great company to share it with!