Optimash Prime Mr. Potato Head Transformer
Don’t know if you’ve heard, but Transformers: The Movie comes out July 4th. You’ve probably been subjected to months of your friends and their robogasms, debates over Michael Bay’s directorial abilities or trying to decide if that box of Transformers cereal from 1986 would be either a) safe to consume over twenty years later and/or b) trendy to consume over twenty years later, maybe even to the point where you just want to start taking a baseball bat to the next person who even thinks about talking about Trans
fuckingformers: The Movie. Then, riding an unexpected wave of childhood nostalgia you come across the Optimash Prime Mr. Potato Head Transformer, and you’re transported back to a time where the only thing you care about is where the hell you lost his moustache….and whether or not he’s going to get smashed to pieces by a crazy, fed-up friend with a huge wooden bat. Ah, good times.
(Via Uncrate)