
Posted on June 11, 2007 Under Art

It’s 83 degrees in Boulder today — a temperature that’s been slow to surface in comparison to the instant heat of a year ago — and all of this direct sunlight has set me to thinking about summer reading. Since I’ve never really warmed to the “beach novel,” (read: 160 pages discussing the proper way to match your shoes to your boyfriend) I think I’m going to start with upnorth’s latest edition of their graphic design/art zine oneonenine. Issue three, titled “there’s no i in team” focuses, as the name suggests, on groups and teams, and features work by 123klan, iManifest, Little Friends of Printmaking, and a nice line-up of other great designers/artists (which of course includes Jeremyville; seriously, Jeremy, do you even sleep?). As per usual, work from Steve Green and Justin Thomas Kay (the boys behind upnorth) will also fill a few pages, and I can’t wait to see their latest type treatments, which make me swoon like a delicate maiden, pried from the jaws of a fire-breathing dragon.

Oneonenine is only available at a few locations across the U.S., so unless you’re lucky enough to live next to one of their six stockists, I recommend ordering direct from their site where issues run 13 bucks a pop, shipping included. Cheaper than a hardcover, no?