
Posted on August 16, 2007 Under Fashion

In the never ending race for your next oddball t-shirt, Threadless will only get you so far. In steps Oddica to help finish the job — a collection of tee designs from some really well-known designers and subjects ranging from Star Wars (tongue-in-cheek, not fan-boy) to Kenneth Lavalee’s lemming-like creatures in Sheltered. And at prices ranging from $15-20 per shirt, depending how many you buy, there’s no question that they’re affordable.

Oddica further differentiates itself from the likes of Threadless and Design by Humans through the way it treats its artists. The former use a voting/win for good design type of program for their artists; Oddica hires their artists…and then they treat them well. Read about their artist program and their 41% rule here. Hurray for capitalism artist empowerment.