Nonesiste's Arsenio Lamp

Posted on July 24, 2007 Under Design

Italian designlab Nonesiste has been getting quite a bit of buzz for their V/a.g.r.a. Lamp, a wall-mounted lighting option that curls up when on and, uh, goes flaccid when turned off. I think it’s nice too, but I have no idea why anyone would choose to have just one light tendril/pharmaceutical reference when you could have TEN AT ONCE. V/a.g.r.a’s more generously endowed relative, the Arsenio, offers a double-digit amount of arms, all of which curl into a rather endearing chandelier-ish thing when turned on, then, when not in use, flop back down to a depressing mass of saved energy. Yep, I’d rather scream “Arsenio!” than “V/a.g.r.a!” any day…