Nobody WA S Thirsty

Posted on September 16, 2008 Under Fashion

The Austrilians are getting ready for summer. Just to rub it in our face the Australian fashion house Nobody has launched a new T-shirt aimed at curbing the some of the injustice in the world. Aside from being a stylish shirt, “Nobody WA S Thirsty” focuses on some of the water issues that are taking place in Africa. Just by buying the shirt you will be providing water for two people for 20 years. Pretty amazing for buying a simple tee — well a designer shirt. To raise the profile of the project outside of Austrilia they’ve partnered with Hollowood restaurant Ivan Kane's Café Wa s for a photography project displaying the effects of a T-shirt and a little celebrity eye candy. The shirts go up for sale online in November, or if you live near a Nobody store you should be able to pick one up just in time for the weather to change.