Nau: Fuzzy Feelings All Over

Posted on November 23, 2007 Under Fashion

In case you needed another reason to shop at Nau (other than saving the world, we mean), the planet-friendly company is currently offering a cozy 30% off of all their sweaters. Guys like them because they’re sleek, perfectly cut, and available in trend-safe colors; girls like them because they’re cuddly (made from fabrics like lambswool or angora/cashmere blends), curve-loving, and versatile; we all like them because they’re earth-consciously sexy, durable, and ready for the long-haul. Not to mention that 5% of all your Nau holiday purchases will go to the Partners for Change affiliate of your choice, ensuring that your thoughtful fashion choices make an impact in places other that your closet. No other gift will offer a more realistic case of the warm fuzzies, we guarantee it.