
Posted on June 21, 2007 Under Art

If creativity were a thing we could turn on and off (or for that matter, a thing we had any control over whatsoever) making a living as any sort of artist might strike less fear in the hearts of our mothers. However, as it currently stands, creativity is the kind of thing that’s hard to count on when we need it the most, yet graciously pops up when we least expect it. Those savvy to this common turn of events generally take to carrying a pocket-sized notebook everywhere they go, but others who have yet to adopt the habit still stick to an old standby: the paper napkin. In celebration of this desperate form of mind-jotting, The Gallery Soho in London is hosting an exhibition based solely on the napkin-doodlings of over 40 well-known UK-based designers, illustrators, typographers and artists. The resulting exhibition — fittingly called Napkin — will display the artists’ work, all of which will be offered for sale to benefit charities fighting against food crises. Napkin will open its doors to the public on June 28th, and will run through the 13th of July, so if you’re in the area, stop by for what sounds like a fun, yet potentially complex, exhibit.