MSU Student Invitational

Posted on January 25, 2008 Under Design

Okay graphic design students "“ it's time to get your ass in gear and win the adoration of your peers and design-lovers far and wide. Plans at Mississippi State are heating up for the 3rd annual AIGA Student Invitational File Save As"¦ Soirée and they want you to enter. Students from anywhere are eligible and you get unlimited entries for a paltry $15. That's right "“ for the price of two Starbucks you could be well on the road to global design superstardom.

Plus you get your work in front of heavy-hitting industry judges like pattern designer and Also Design co-founder Julia Rothman, and award-winning illustrator, comic book artist, and self-described "typographic thing-maker" (and Carmel Hagen lust-object) Ray Fenwick.

The deadline to enter is February 8th, so there's not time like right now. No, really. Right now "“ turn off Project Runway and enter already.