Monster Lamp: Dream Sequence

Posted on March 29, 2007 Under Design

Adriean Koleric, a refreshing designer out Alberta (and a long time favorite of Josh’s) has teamed up with a selection of artists and given them free reign over his Monster Lamp. We’re thrilled to report that the first featured artist is Spear Collective’s very own Motomichi, and even more thrilled to show you this awesome result of the collaboration. Motomichi’s tendencies toward minimalistic use of color and monster-infused methodology blend naturally with Adriean’s lamp– I’m seriously lovin’ the layered effect of all these monsters. This one made it to the Prototype exhibit at the Toronto Interior Design Show last month, but I’m not sure where it’s living now (probably munching on someone’s living room). This is too great a surface for an artist not to turn out something worth noting, so we’ll keep an eye out for the rest of the collabs and keep you posted. Full photos after the jump…