Momimomi: Naughty Holiday Limerick Competition

Posted on December 8, 2006 Under Fashion

In order to help spread warm holiday cheer this season, is hosting the first Momi TEeA PARTY Naughty Limerick Competition. Entrants are required to submit no more than one naughty limerick, the content of which loosely fits under the broad theme of "the holidays". While it’s not requisite that limericks be "dirty", the judging staff does wish to express their belief that when it comes to a really good limerick, naughty is always better than nice"¦

By way of a brief refresher course in the art of the limerick, the follow example is provided.

‘there once was a boy named danny
who had a secret crush on his nanny
under the mistletoe he stood
holding his wood
waiting for some yule tide fanny’

Rules, Prizes, Deadlines:

"¢ Only ONE limerick may be submitted per entrant.

"¢ ONE winner will be chosen each week (12/15, 12/22. & 12/29) – submissions must be in by 9pm est on the dates listed.

"¢ The winning limerick’s author will receive a 3-month subscription to the Momi TEeA PARTY.

"¢ ONE honorable mention will also be chosen each week and receive a momimomi tee of their choice (availability permitting).

"¢ Email your entries to momi[at]