Mollusk NYC

Posted on August 22, 2007 Under Life

According to some people, the lack of surfing in my Australian upbringing and subsequent early adulthood in Southern California is a travesty, but I swear there were good reasons behind the decision not to choose that road of slackage (looking like an idiot in a wetsuit; having to get up ass-early to go to the beach, etc.). Not that I have anything against surfers, but I thought moving to NYC would distance me far enough from the culture that I wouldn’t have to make excuses for being lame anymore. Then, up pops Mollusk in Williamsburg and all that goes into the crapper. Looking at the photos, I can imagine the store smells just like the ones I’m familiar with; crusted in sand and salt with a touch of wax and the bitter tinge of a stashed beer keg somewhere. Yeah, that’s it. Anyways, God knows what possessed the team at Mollusk SF to open a store in W’burg — an area that’s not exactly the bastion of killer waves — but they are stocked to the rafters with boards, books and suits, nonetheless. Oh, and they throw parties once a month. Big ones, with vintage skater films and barbecues. So, if you’re heading to the Island (Long, Big or otherwise) sometime in the near future (or are one of those guys who keeps a board in his bedroom, pretending he surfs to get girls to sleep with him) you should definitely go pay Mollusck a visit. You won’t be disappointed.