Meat and Potatoes

Posted on November 15, 2006 Under Design

Meat and Potatoes: words that, for me at least, conjure up images of a full tummy. Not surprisingly, that is exactly the image that Los Angeles based design boutique Meat and Potatoes wants you to picture after you experience their design goods and services– ‘creative products, seasoned to taste.’ We just got a great looking package from M & P– limited edition t-shirts packaged in styrofoam and cellophane, just like in the grocery store’s meat department. Each little package has both a limited edition t-shirt and a limited edition print of the graphic on the t-shirt. With the amount of t-shirt samples we get everyday, this was a refreshing way to have them come. Also check out their design book, a well-put-together look into what their design studio has produced since 2001.