Make it Right

Posted on December 6, 2007 Under Design

Brad Pitt’s making news for something other than adding to the collection of ridiculouslt attractive, culturally-relevant third world children he shares with Angelina Jolie; this time, it’s for something we’d probably never have seen coming. Apparently Brad Pitt has a little soft spot in his heart for architecture and design, and he’s proving it by helping out the people of New Orleans. Pitt is putting up $5 million of his own money, alongside philanthropist Stephen Bing, toward project Make It Right, an initiative that will build 150 low-income houses for residents of New Orleans.

These aren’t your average projects; the team has hired 13 architecture firms each to submit plans for sustainable, flood-resistant designs. Each house will be around 1200 square feet with three bedrooms, and each will cost around $150,000. The green design initiative is expected to keep upkeep costs down by at least 75% for the residents.

Make It Right is asking for donations from anyone willing to help. Companies can donate a house or multiple home, and individuals are encouraged to help with as much or as little as possible: a solar panel, a tree, even an energy efficient toilet.