Lost Formats Preservation Society

Posted on November 17, 2006 Under Music

When it comes to music, most of us now deal solely with digital-only formats: mp3, mp4, wav, acc, and the like (CD’s are even becoming obsolete), but the people at Experimental Jetset do not want all of the old music formats to be forever-forgotton. That’s why they formed the Lost Formats Preservation Society in the year 2000. The Society currently houses 64 formats– mini disc, cassette tape, 4 track, SyJet, VecTrex, Travan, and the list goes on. I have to admit, I had never heard of 90% of these formats; that’s probably why it was so fun for me peruse the list. Which music format will bring the list up to 65? I am interested in your (our readers’) ideas.

Via thetripwire