Live Life by the Grid

Posted on August 1, 2007 Under Design

Whether we admit it or not, grids are an essential part of our life. Without grids, our lives would be messier, uglier, and more confusing places to live in. This is the sentiment that forms the basis for the Grid-it series of notepads, a family of 7 different grid-based notepads designed to make organizing your life just that little bit easier.

Each pad is based on a grid system created by a famous designer: Jan Tschichold, Paul Rand, Le Corbusier, Josef Muller-Brockman, Willy Fleckhaus, Johannes Gutenberg, and David Hillman; each pad offers a new way to keep your ideas organized while you’re scribbling them across the page. Some are better for layouts, some for grocery lists, but integrating any of them into your busy schedule will help keep your life nicely compartmentalized.

Now if I could just get my agency to start shelling out for some of these, maybe my concepting notebook would look a little more organized!

Via Cool Hunting

–Danny Nathan