Let's Make a Difference in 2008

Posted on December 28, 2007 Under Life

For those of you who were hanging around here last year, you’d remember the infamous 6 resolutions I made for 2008. I’ll cover how I’ve done on the others ones soon, but time is of the essence to circle back to the last one, entitled Donate More. I pledged to walk my walk about companies big and small making a difference in the world by donating to those in need. And, I said I would donate 5% of my site’s profits to a charity that we all agreed on together. The time to decide on that place has arrived. Clean water? Disaster Relief Efforts? Create a scholarship fund at a design school? Perhaps we should micro-finance some projects as a group together through Kiva? You (and there are many of you), tell me where it should go. Comment below or email in, and after we receive a bunch of ideas, we’ll put it up for polling and go from there. Speak!