Le Grand Content

Posted on January 12, 2007 Under Life

This tasty morsel of short film — entitled ‘Le Grand Content‘ — comes to us from digital designers Clemens Kogler and Karo Szmit, and was narrated by Andre Tschinder. I found it by browsing Jessica Hagy’s blog ‘Indexed,’ which is one of my favorite blogs in existence (as I’ve told you before). In a similar style to Indexed, which rationalizes life’s big and little issues with charts in graphs, ‘Le Grand Content’ adopts some of Jessica Hagy’s material and “examines the omnipresent Powerpoint-culture in search for its philosophical potential … which challenges itself to answer all questions of the universe and some more.” While the exercise fails to its desired end (which is to be expected I would say), it nevertheless touches on some interesting and nuanced topics. I enjoyed watching the film very much, and I think you will too.

Via Indexed