Knock Knock. Who's There? Clever Stationery.

Posted on February 7, 2007 Under Design

I get a kick out of the new Knock Knock products; Knock Knock makes clever, witty, and most importantly, relevant stationery. These have ‘gift’ written all over them. Some of my favorites are the Paper E-Mail— because it lets e-mail-addicted people like me feel better about actually putting pen to paper to write someone a note; Bon Voyage— because, lets face it, who doesn’t need help packing for a trip, whether a weekend excursion or a grand voyage; and Don’t Kill The Pets— because it reminds me of what the pros use to make sure someone’s Great Pyrenees doesn’t chew through their $4,000 sofa. You can pick up these, and other great Knock Knock products at Urban Outfitters.