Kid Robot x Kozik: Glow in the Dark Labbits

Posted on October 17, 2007 Under Design

We know being alone in your room at night can sometimes be scary, but owning a night light is not worth the subsequent ribbing you’ll receive from your friends for being afraid of the boogey man. Rather than spend the rest of your evenings cowering in fear with the lights out and the door open just a crack, why not find the sensible solution…something badass that glows in the dark! The newest series of glow-in-the-dark Smorkin’ Labbits designed by San Francisco-based artist Frank Kozik and manufactured by Kid Robot should do the trick; these lascivious light-filled labbits effectively illuminate the evening, giving off a blue or green glow (depending on which color you get) while taking a drag from a cigarette and keeping that monster under your bed at bay all at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking.