Jeff Hastings at We are Superlative Conspiracy

Posted on March 28, 2008 Under Fashion

WeSC (We are Superlative Conspiracy), one of the finer establishments in America for all your skate culture needs (and boasts the support of Stereo Skate guys Jason Lee and Chris Pastras) has some big doings. Former Pasadena Art Center College of Design student and avid snowboarder Jeff Hastings may work with grass seed (you can see his grass wall at Bandini Art gallery in Culver City), but his work ain’t no Chia Pet. What Hastings has created is an “environmental art installation”–rings of grass comprised of soil, seed, and vermiculite that look like potted donuts–in WeSC’s L.A. store. He suggests that having the rings growing in the store “defies the odds of nature.” Kind of like a flower growing through a crack in the sidewalk. Or Carrot Top.