Jantze Brogård Asshoff

Posted on February 29, 2008 Under Design

Often times, a person's life at both home and work is a direct reflection of their surroundings. Is your life dull, well then maybe your furniture is dull? Does that black mesh garbage can that you accidentally spilled coffee through onto the carpet make you feel like your life is falling through the cracks? Well maybe it's time you lightened up a bit. Maybe you should think about enlivening your digs by replacing your some of your furniture and household accessories with something say, a little more uplifting. Perhaps you need a little Jantze BrogÃ¥rd Asshoff in your life. The Swedish designer specializes in creating “sophisticated, useful products with a poetic soul and playful character” to inject an alluring aura and project purity into either your home or office environment. His creations that range from recycled plastic garbage cans to dynamite lighting, and even a sofa inspired by traditional Swedish folk costumes, manage to be authentic, exciting, and rather modest at the same time, a vibe that sounds welcome almost anywhere.