Indie Rock Festival: Brazil

Posted on July 26, 2007 Under Music

Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo are hosting two days each of the country’s first-ever Indie Rock Festival (July 25-27), bringing in England’s The Magic Numbers and The Rakes as headliners alongside some very good Brazilian indie artists. The indie rock scene here fairly decent but for the most part doesn’t get the recognition it deserves, and shows from internationally renowned acts in the scene are few and far in between compared to the U.S. and Europe because it comes down to money: Record companies simply don’t believe they’ll make a lot from their band getting big in South America. It’s too bad, but the tide looks like it’s finally turning and indie is gaining major ground here. Anyway, since most of you reading this won’t be able to see the shows today and tomorrow, there’s no excuse for not checking out the bands via their homepages: Moptop (think The Strokes), Hurtmold (instrumental rock band that adds layers of music with clarinets and sax), Nacao Zumbi (who mix rap with rock), Lucas Santtana e Selecao Natural (reggae with Northern Brazilian influences) and Moveis Coloniais de Acaju (modern ska).