In Rainbows: Not OK, Computer!

Posted on October 1, 2007 Under Life

Look, I’m as excited as anyone for the new Radiohead album — but. I have a theory about this shady In Rainbows promo site: I think it’s some batty crackwhore’s attempt to take down a Mac or two. After all, from a scholarly perspective, the only thing all Mac users have in common (aside from their huge brain capacities, incredible sense of style, and perma-fresh breath, I mean) is Radiohead. This is a beautiful commonality, but one that ultimately puts us at risk for something our grade-A spam filters won’t even get the chance to detect. That anything could hurt our viking-like computers in the first place is questionable, but hey, just to be safe, let’s have our non-mac using, cheating ex-girlfriend/boyfriend download it first. Monitor the process over IM. Watch for unexplained “HoneyTongue17 has gone offline” notices. Report back here as soon as you know the outcome. Because if it is the real deal… well, we’re gonna need to get on that.

(In short: You can buy Radiohead’s new album for whatever price you deem appropriate. Apparently.)