Imagini Gift Finder

Posted on November 27, 2006 Under Life

There are a lot of online gift guides out there that make it easier for you all to (1) find gifts and (2) buy them online so that you don’t have to mess with deadlocked stores during the holiday season. We really like how Imagini works– first, it calculates your VisualDNA by prompting you to choose from various photos within certain categories. For example, it may show you a matrix of photos of different vacations, foods, gadgets, houses; you get the idea. Depending on which choices you make — what your specific VisualDNA looks like — Imagini feeds a results page back to you that is tailored directly to your visual preferences. For Imagini, visual communication trumps textual communication, and the result is a novel gift finding device. Note: the beta version of Imagini only searches for gifts available in the U.K., but it will at the very least drum up some ideas for those of you who live elsewhere.