
Posted on April 10, 2007 Under Art

Humus, an online art magazine created by Mirko Filippi and Luca Masini, takes an arms open approach when collecting materials for each new issue. Instead of recruiting submissions from well-known artists, humus asks for absolutely anyone to send in work to be considered for publication, thereby granting artists in both remote and urban locations all over the world equal opportunity for exposure. Of course, Humus reserves the right to use only what they like, but it does seem like they do a great job of equally representing a wide variety of mediums and artistic styles in each issue. The creators of Humus like to say that it is a territory where images, creativity, thoughts and expressions have no border line or demarcation line, and that is reflected in the sometimes uncomfortable images and words that can be found in the pages of the magazine. Ultimately, though, the dark is well balanced with the light, and the resulting publications are genuine and beautiful. I love this image is from one of Humus’s older issues, but you can see the latest (as well as the previous eight issues) on the Humus site.