Posted on August 27, 2007 Under Fashion

We’ve talked smack about a few “smart mirrors” before, but one video/reflection hybrid finally has me more interested than disgusted. Hub, a boutique in Scottsdale, AZ, recently developed their own system to help ass-conscious customers see exactly what they’re getting out of their pricey pantaloons. What differs their interactive looking-glass from the others we’ve seen is that it solves an actual problem; the Hub, um, ButtCam, saved me from asking my sister “how my ass looks in these jeans” by real-time television-ing my G-STAR-covered booty straight on to a mirror-mounted flatscreen. My sister normally tells me the truth, anyway, but it was pretty awesome to see, right next to the front view of myself, the [pleasantly okay] view from behind. High fives go out to Jen, Hub’s longtime leader, for being smart enough to patent this technology- that’s a great way to brand yourself in a world swimming with denim boutiques.