Hotel Offers Luxury Plush Package

Posted on August 15, 2008 Under Travel

If you saw twin beds adorned with copious plush dolls, you might think: children’s bedroom. Leave it to wacky Japanese marketing masterminds to break the stereotype with a collaboration between high-end hotelier Royal Park and San-X’s Rilakkuma (Relax Bear). In honor of the character’s fifth anniversary, Royal Park is offering guests a luxury package that includes exclusive Rilakkuma plushes, headbands with ears and pancakes decorated with a Relax Bear imprint. As the rooms are fairly doll-dominated, you might again be compelled to draw an incorrect conclusion. The campaign is not aimed at families, but rather wealthy adults — specifically women. Prices vary throughout the hotel’s six locations, but start at $275 and are expected to fetch much more on auction. Kind of makes that Holiday Inn plush comforter feel a little tired, doesn’t it?

via Trends in Japan