
Posted on December 7, 2006 Under Life

We’re going to let you in on a secret here at JoshSpear.com. As far as blogs go, you know nothing beats us (but of course!) for content on what’s fresh and inspiring in the world. But what you might not know is that over in the Land of the Rising Sun there is an online magazine/blog collective that is really blazing trails with its depth and quality of content. Honeyee.com is an online magazine based out of Japan that is truly a multi-faceted web presence. On one hand you have quality features on leading design-centric companies like Burton, Porsche, and Nike. And on the other hand you have a blog roll section that includes heavyweights and legends such as Hiroshi Fujiwara, Jeff Staple (Staple Design), Paul Mittleman (Stussy), and even musicians John Mayer and Eric Clapton. Many of the Honeyee bloggers are Japanese and therefore blog in Japanese, but don’t let that stop you from perusing their entries. Check it out and see how sweet the Honeyee is!!