Holy Folding Chairs, Batman!

Posted on February 26, 2007 Under Design

Folding chairs may not be the most glamourous decor item out there, but it’s difficult to deny that they serve an important role in day to day life. They do, after-all, provide the utility of a chair but can be easily hidden from sight; as a result, you may logically think that there’s really no room for ‘design’ in the folding chair world. But you’d be surprised to see how many folding chairs through the ages have actually flirted with elements of sound design. For those of you who are intrigued, Designbloom has compiled an llustrated history of the folding chair. Whether tailgating in the parking lot of a football stadium, sitting around a campfire, or having tea with the girls in the solarium, I’ll go ahead and venture a guess that there’s a folding chair for you in this exhaustive compilation.

Via Apartment Therapy