Hitotoki NY Launched

Posted on September 28, 2007 Under Life

You may recall a while back when we pointed out Hitotoki, a literary site where readers can submit their stories about urban living. Last time we mentioned it, Hitotoki was in the midst of a call for entries in preparation for launching a New York version of their original Tokyo-based site. Well, that NY version is live, and it’s every bit as good and as well designed as it’s brethren.

Stories have rolled in from Washington Square Park, the Port Authority Bus Terminal, and a few other well-known and not-so-well-known spots around the five boroughs, including authors such as NYT Designer Khoi Vinh. Hitotoki is still accepting submissions on a rolling basis, so if you have a wonderful NY story to share, drop them a line. As they say, “sharing a Hitotoki is almost always safer than kissing the pigeons in Times Square.”