Hem Jeans: Austin

Posted on April 10, 2007 Under Fashion

Not to be outdone by my AB Fits post yesterday, my Austin peeps have chimed in with their favorite denim bar. Austin’s Hem Jeans is truly “A Denim Bar for Jeanaholics.” I would love to list all of the brands of denim they carry, but I think my fingers would melt. At Hem, you are going to get one-on-one customer service, free wine and/or beer while you shop, flat screens (so you can watch that UT football game that you skipped to go buy jeans), and in-house alterations for you short people out there. Loree and Aimee Lindgren, Seattle natives who know the importance of denim (see, e.g. Grunge Era), pooled their talents in 2005 to open Hem– the first denim bar to grace the laid back yet hip Texas alcove that is Austin. They get an A+ in the website category (even nailed the music), but it looks like Loree needs to brush up on the ‘cuts of meat’ category– click the “as see on TV” link on their site to see what I mean– she had a funny little run-in with David Letterman.