Head Case contest

Posted on May 1, 2008 Under Art

A lot of artistic expression can be attributed to the loss of one’s mind. The artist at his creative best as he descends into madness with a little help from drugs and alcohol. Head Case, an art contest being held in Australia to benefit victims of Acquired Brain Injury (which covers the debilitating effects of substance abuse, as well as other physical trauma that causes brain damage), doesn’t subscribe to that romantic notion. They’re more focused on the serious business of creating awareness, not only for the injured, but the people close to them. If you live in oz, and can paint, sketch, or shoot, submit your work on the theme of ABI to Skye Luckins (skye@buronorth.com). All submissions must be in by July 15, with final judging taking place at the Sofitel Hotel September 1 through 3, during a joint brain injury conference in Melbourne.