Greedy People

Posted on August 25, 2008 Under Life

Money makes the world go round, and as such, people will do anything to get it, even if it means degrading themselves to the point where they’re on a VH1 reality show. If you’re one of those who’d make a deal with Mephistopheles for the promise of a few extra bucks, then the new site is for you. The daring for dollars website prompts users to declare what they’ll do for major (and not so major) loot. Challenge others to complete feats of strength and/or stupidity all in the name of cold hard cash. Once a task has been completed and evidence is displayed, that sweet, sweet, scratch reward goes to the greedmonger who may have gone to Tajikistan to build a treehouse or ran onto the football field and mooned a crowd during the national anthem. How much would you pay us to do either of those things?

via Thrillist