Gawker T-shirt Shenanigans!

Posted on January 23, 2007 Under Fashion

The Gawker ‘t-shirt off’ has provided us with a lot of laughter recently– or maybe I should say: Gawker in general makes me laugh all the time. If you aren’t familiar, Gawker sent a call to action out to all of its readers around the first of the year to (1) send in slogan ideas for a Gawker t-shirt and (2) vote on the submitted designs (more here). Well, today they announced the top 2 selections. Pictured here, in all of their glory, the winners are: I Hate Your Kids and Douché. The Douché shirt — and you must understand this — isn’t meant to imply that the wearer is a Douche— rather, it’s a play on words. Hint: look at the accent over the ‘e’ and the crossed swords. Touché to whoever came up with that one! I guess I’ll note that these are printed on AA blanks so they may actually be wearable for you adventurous joker types out there; and they’re currently available for pre-order.