Future Phone

Posted on March 7, 2006 Under Gadgetry

Imagine a device that unites everything you carry on a day to day basis: mobile phone, media player, credit cards, even your apartment and car keys. Behold the C’ALL, a credit card sized device by Plus Minus that encompasses your electronic life into one, beautifully designed unit. The C'ALL operates as a mobile phone, allowing you to select the cellular service provider before placing a call; a remote control for any device, simultaneously displaying a teleschedule and recommendations of your favorite shows; and even replaces all of your keys, verifying access to areas like home and office with biometrics via a built in fingerprint scanner on back. These are just a few of the foreseeable uses of the future phone concept. With major electronics manufacturers currently combining media players, digital cameras, and other accessories into their phones, the C'ALL can't be that far off. All I know is I want one.