Friends With You: Wish Come True

Posted on March 3, 2008 Under Design

Our friends at Friends With You are being super productive lately. Their “Tickle Party” made us giggle a few weeks ago, and now they’re getting ready to launch a new line of toys at the end of the month called Wish Come True only in Europe (gosh darn it) and through renowned art book publisher Die Gestalten. The gimmick behind this collection of nine handheld playthings is that they all come with heavy, rounded bottoms and bell chimes, which means you just might be forced to give up your new toy to your 3-year-old nephew "” in fact, it’s supposed to be safe for kids older than 18 months "” when he comes to visit. I love each character’s simple but sweet design, but in general, I love anything that encourages you to be a kid again. Friends With You are taking designer toys back to their original roots and it’s quite a commendable effort.