Friday Podcast Alert: Marzipan Taco

Posted on October 19, 2007 Under Life

Every now and then, I like being reminded that people can be really stupid, and stupid people can be really, really funny. That being said, new podcast Marzipan Taco has had me giggling through its past two episodes that illustrate that very point, The Starbucks Barista Challenge and Let’s Call an Agent. I guess you can say these guys are looking out for you by keeping the people responsible at the backend of many people’s regular routines — coffee and movies — accountable for their actions while reminding them that they may or may not be total idiots. Not only that, the guys seek to dispel the myth behind such mysteries as dude hugs and customer service reps using military lingo for shipment tracking numbers. Marzipan Taco can be streamed straight from their site, or you can subscribe via iTunes for your easy iPod/iPhone listening convenience.